Thursday, July 9, 2009

oh how we change.

I guess you could say I'm one of those people who tends to change a lot. Slowly, day by day no change, but when you look back I'm completely different. I felt like reflecting, cause that's what blogs are for right? Reflecting, ranting, and gloating. Kinda.

I'm not quite as naive. I'm more about me then I used to be, not so much about, oh I don't know if I'll find another guy after you so I'm not gonna let go. I was like that for a short short time awhile ago. But I am so much more about me. I want a guy who shows he loves me, who will show me off to his friends. I need a guy who's a good guy, yet can get down and dirty, not quite like that, but to an extent. Most of all, I need a guy I can be me around, and same to him. And I'm not quite as boy-crazy and don't go liking so many guys when I'm single.
In the past couple years, I've went from hoodies all the time, to preppy, to 'skater'//'scene'? I don't know how to describe it. To where I am now, just me, day to day.
Oh lord. Where to begin. I used to be, not shy, but not that out there. I'd never be caught dead doing stuff I will do in a heartbeat now. I love to dance, and I'll dance my booty off when I'm in a crowd and even grind. This time last year I'll be damned if I would've been like now. I will say hi to people I am just meeting and talk as if I've known them forever. And I'll easily flirt with and talk to cute boys. Something I'd have trouble with before or I would come on way too strong.
Well. Here goes the ego trip. I'm gonna be honest, I used to be...not the prettiest, I still don't think I am. But I think it's improvement. No more glasses. I can use make-up, and use it well. I can do my hair and make it look good. My face isn't quite so imperfect with blemishes.

I'm out of ideas. Chances are there are tons of other topics. But hey. It's 11:12 (damn missed 11:11!) and my brain ain't the most active


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