Monday, July 6, 2009

life. in a nutshell.

Why, hello there.
Where to start, okay well. It's summer. Woo. Boring, but oh so relaxing! My summer started off where I went to Indiana University Diving Camp for two weeks. Let me just say, that place is officially my favorite place on earth. Not even kidding. The atmosphere is just, amazing. You get your ass handed to you but at the end of the day it's just like, wow, I can't believe I did that. Also. The guys. Flat out amazing, I don't even need to go into details.
When I got home from camp it was a few days of just getting back into life, then I slept over at one of my verry good friend's houses, Lauren(go read her blog!) and we had funtimes, yes? Then, well that next Thursday(July 2nd) was a party at a friend's house. I met a few new people, but I won't go into too many details about the party besides there was a lot of truth or dare. Joy.
Friday. Carnival! With my best friend on the male side of things, Zach!
I acquired a new nickname too, thanks to his younger brother. LaShanda. Great, eh?
Saturday! Afternoon was torture, went to the mall with male from 2nd blog post. Pity me. Just Kidding. That night I went to the local fireworks with my ex-boyfriend. Yeah. I'm a smart one. It was fun though, I saw this one guy I know who is freaking gorgeous. It made my day. The fireworks were nice too, but holy crap, walking home I was terrified going through this one street! It was so dark and I literally sprinted out of there. I don't wanna get raped! Hah. And then there is yesterday where I just chilled. And same for today except I ran, and did my workout! Go me(:
That's all I guess? Hm. Yep. Wow. I'm boring D:


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